Saturday, 21 January 2006

portrait of a gentleman

the boss says that as there are no narcissi out, one will have to do. I don't understand him sometimes.

more fire in heaven

what do all these fiery sunsets mean? More mud in the house. Dark days, half way through the dreary gap between Christmas and Spring, no flowers, one snowdrop maybe. Nature is holding her breath.

Stoke Climsland

our village, sitting below Kit Hill, from Roy and Pat's House. Duchy College to the left and our house, I think I can see me. Poor Roy is not very well, say a prayer for him.

not very lady like

I think this pic speaks for itself. Harriet, taking after mum, has been pretending to have an injured paw (top front one in this pic) so that she gets more attention, as you can see she is all paws and legs and no fun at all.

Sunday, 15 January 2006

last year's snowdrops

last year's snowdrops will just have to do.

sibling love

I thought you would like to see a little bit of sisterly love. It has been raining incessantly to day, and we haven't taken many pictures recently. We looked for snowdrops today but none were to be seen. Roll on Spring.

Friday, 6 January 2006

at the Cheesewring

Uncle and Aunt pay us a visit. Well, I noticed that the boss was all fingers and thumbs during the New Year. He didn't manage one useful photo. Instead he is trying to pass this photo off from 2004 before we were EVEN BORN (when life was very peaceful, he says). Nevertheless most of the people to whom I am very important are in this photo. So I like it. Tomorrow is my birthday by the way.