Saturday, 22 April 2006

drying out

up bright and early today, playing around in the quarry pond at Kit Hill. The larks were singing loudly, and I heard my first cuckoo of the year although I did not Spot it. The boss claims to have captured the same cuckoo up here last year BEFORE WE WERE BORN (does this count in my blog?) and insists that I blog it. Posted by Picasa

the aforementioned cuckoo; picture taken on 24/4/05 almost exactly one year ago (1BS) (2005 Christian era)


  1. Dear Spot
    I know you are very important but the world did not start on 5/6/2005. We cannot be expected to subtract 2005 from the date to arrive at Spot time, or spot on for that matter. Will every dog want its own day?

  2. I definately think every dog should have his day!
