water, cool, dark, filthy; best in old flower pots, puddles that have been stomped about in, or in byres and old algae ridden troughs. Cow puddles are a particular delicacy. Uncle Max can only take water in stiff mud (while saying "here's mud in your eye"). It is also important to take every opportunity to immerse oneself in dirty water. On emerging, vigorous shaking will help humans to appreciate the existential wetness of it and they will often show their appreciation by throwing something else into the water to get you wet again. Humans are very strange about water. They like to sit in it. They keep a supply all to themselves in small rooms dotted about the house, in tall porcelain bowls. They will not let us drink this water but often disappear for long periods into these drinking rooms; as always it seems to me they keep the best for themselves.
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