Monday, 29 June 2009

down at Downderry 2

Spot and Max under the soft cliffs at Downderry that are fast eroding into the sea, watching the gulls body surf, dreaming of being Jonathan Livingston SG himself. These days most gulls seem to hang out on farmland or close to take-away fast food outlets. I guess these are the nostalgic ones who like the occasional dip by the shore, the lonely sea and the sky.... and a star to steer them by.


  1. Have had many a happy walk at Downderry including a not-so-hapy time when Eleanor neaarly went over the ccliff at the top from the car park. Great beach combing there. Good sniffs for dogs, too, Spike says.

    Tess has rolled in something unspeakable tonight and has had to be scrubbed clean. Even so, she's still a tad offensive.

  2. offensive? nothing like a bit of fox droppings to make a girl smell nice.
    love Spot!
