Sunday, 10 January 2010


the water in Kit Hill quarry has frozen solid but no dogs were allowed to try it out given recent tragic events. It is so cold that an icefall has formed on the quarry face. (OK, the blue is cheating)


  1. It's cold in Cornwall all right!

  2. dogs falling through ice and dying, owners trying to rescue dying dogs and falling through ice and dying ... all the things you North Americans know not to do

  3. Yikes! Keep yourself, Spot and Harriet and all the OHG safe!

  4. Glad you didn't venture onto the ice, Spot. By the way, how do you stop that inquisitive and moist nose of yours from freezing? My poor hens got frostbite on the tips of their combs, which went black and fell off. Still, I suppose you generate more inner heat than either Cluckles or Puckles. (Their combs are growing back, you will be glad to hear).
