It has been unusually cold for this part of the world recently. From the Saturday before Christmas until the middle of last week the roads were covered with sheet ice and many people couldn't even get out of their houses. Car travel was almost impossible without 4 wheel drive. After a brief milder spell, it has turned very cold again. The air is very calm and clear. The views from Kit Hill were spectacular and the quarry was frozen over for the first time in Spot's experience, who can be seen assessing the situation very gingerly (and no, he wasn't allowed to walk on to the ice) .

We've had the same wild weather across the is COLD and we cannot keep enough wood on the inconvenienced as we are, it always leads me to think about how the Shinneock Indians on our island survived weather like this! Certainly the OHG house must have lined walls with good books just for this sort of emergency!
This is a beautiful photo. x