Wednesday, 31 May 2006


you often see the silvery frondy leaves of this common wild flower but for some reason not the flower Posted by Picasa

halcyon days

when we are old and grey
will we remember the flash
and the stream of the day
rippling now
under the bough
down to the sea
and away?

poem by Spot on seeing his mother getting wet Posted by Picasa

sibling rivalry

a little discussion about whose birthday it is. We were complimented on our fine set of gnashers when I came fourth in the world lurcher championships (qv). Harriet can be quite disagreeable at times and I seem to have lost the will to dominate but if anyone tries to brush my teeth I'll ... lick them to death.Posted by Picasa

buttercups, two horses, two dogs

the boss loves this photograph, down by the river Lynher today. As usual I am in front of Harriet. Green it may be but what a lovely blue.

This a link to some photographs around Golberdon by Linda Mudle Small who used to be the parish clerk of my parish.

Does she know it's my birthday soon?Posted by Picasa

I'm waiting

White spider waiting for someone to visit this clematis flower. I have told it not to forget that there is a very important day coming up, the Church fete on June 3, and then its MY BIRTHDAY. Presents, cards, reminiscences, happiness, cakes, walks, and I shall be ONE. What else important has happened on June 5? I notice Elvis released his best ever song about dogs on this day in 1956 it possible that I am Elvis returned???? or am I just a hound? What is the meaning of life?Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, 30 May 2006

more butterflies

It must have stopped raining. After two weeks of monsoon weather the world is returning to normal. This orange tip is recharging its batteries on a cuckoo flower, also the plant it tends to lay its eggs on. The orange is in sharp contrast to the brilliant blue of Germander speedwell Posted by Picasa


this picture captures well the dramatic impact that hawthorn has on the hedgerows as it flowers. And how green Cornwall is now. Posted by Picasa

Monday, 29 May 2006


this is the wild columbine, it is a lot bluer than this picture might suggest; poor technique. Posted by Picasa


this is a fleshy little speedwell called brooklime found by small streams. Its proper name is veronica beccabunga, which is rather odd, but not when you realise it means bulbs by streams like this one.

This is the first time we have found this little plant locally although it is not uncommon. It makes the boss very happy to find new plants. Posted by Picasa


this patch of bugle is already out in beech and oak woods near Golberdon. This is more Lynher than Tamar valley life but worth walking around.

Hendrix has set out on an 18 day marathon round Cornwall, I hope he makes it. Posted by Picasa

family outing

mum, me and Harriet doing our tusk book work, bringing home the bacon. Posted by Picasa

spirit of jumping

Harriet showing off. She doesn't know it's her birthday soon, but I do. Don't forget I want lots of cards. Posted by Picasa

common blue

this beautiful almost irridescent butterfly is feeding on some germander speedwell. The undersides of its wings are surprisingly different and pretty. This one looks as if it has emerged very recently. Posted by Picasa

millennial visit

on getting up this morning I discovered that someone unknown has gone and been the 1000th visitor. I have pawed over the small print of this popular competition and have discovered that in the event of an anonymous visit, the 1001 visitor gets the picture. So I am sending a huge signed picture of me to myself.

Happy Birthday everyone.

lots of love Spot

Sunday, 28 May 2006

young rooks

close up of young rook showing characteristic black feathers at base of beak. This youngster was very unwell, and may well have been hit by a car. Despite a lot of tlc, including warmth and saffron cake, it did not do well. Posted by Picasa

the blessed bennet

much used in herbal medicine, the name of this persistent and widespread weed is apparently a corruption of herba benedicta, or blessed herb. Later it develops a fascinating little seed head with sharp hooks for lodging in rough coats, hence no doubt the beneficial effect of hair of the dog. I say eat the dog and forget the herbs. No, I don't. Posted by Picasa

cats' ears

you may wonder what this is; it is the ear that gives this plant its name. Not much of a cat, if a lurcher may say so. But the flower is beautiful, like all of the hawkbit and dandelion family Posted by Picasa

marsh orchids

while the boss was getting excited about this southern marsh orchid, IN A FIELD NEAR YOU! The green sepals pointing up are supposed to look like a bird's wings. This is not really in the known range of the marsh orchids so he may be mistaken.

Anyway, come with us, take a walk, let life in. Posted by Picasa

spirit of running

Harriet chasing me through the long grass, the spirit of running in my heart. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, 27 May 2006


Sally is seven dog years and a bit today.

That sounds quite young to me.

happy 11111/0

lots of love the orchard house mob

don't forget its my birthday very soon and I am expecting lots of presents. Spot.


the hawthorn is out everywhere now. This hedge shrub/tree is regarded with some indifference these days but has a rich and ancient lore attached to it, especially by anglo-saxons. This is covered in detail in Richard Mabey's fantastic book Flora Britannica. Posted by Picasa

more orchids

another attractive orchid at Beals Mill. I am not sure what this one is, it looks like an early purple orchid but the horn is very long. It could be a hybrid of some sort. Any ideas? Posted by Picasa

pink purslane

not far from the disappearing river bank, a large patch of pink purslane, campion and ramsons. Posted by Picasa

destroying the planet

this 50 yard stretch of the river bank by the lovely Inny is being destroyed rapidly. The erosion has gradually been extended each year by cattle out to pasture. Why? There are other ways in and out.

Farmers don't own the land, they hold it in trust for all living things, human and otherwise, not just their own family. A little care is all that is needed, more husbandry less butchery.

Spot is justifiably very sad. Posted by Picasa

Friday, 26 May 2006

cow wheat

cow-wheat is a very variable but very interesting liitle flower, you can just see the complex upper lobe with masses of little hairs. The woodlands are full of it now. Posted by Picasa